I DO apologize for being so quiet the last week.
I do have the perfect excuse, however: I have been drinking Tru Blood and pondered about life.
Apart from that I have been redecorating... not only ONE, but TWO houses, and I was a bit worried there that'd have to take my paintbrushes to bed - - - so much to do, so little time to do it in! So, without further ado - this is what one of my paint projects in the making looks like, and I promise I will post the after pictures as soon as I'll get to the "after"-part!:
Come to think of it - - - now that I take a look at how it turned out, (which you guys, of course, can't see because I haven't taken pictures yet) I'm not so sure I like the new shade at all. Awww, bugger!!!
Restructuring the future. Passion, truth and honesty. We are all vintage in this world.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Kiss me and call me miss Paintbucket
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
So, this is what I've felt like the last three days:
Yeah. Half-dead, looking like a roadkill, feeling like a gremlin on the inside --- and quite hoonestly looking pretty much like one on the outside as well.
I've managed to drag my ass off to work this week, have been working on remodelling the house, doing all the usual chores and stuff that needs to be done and I
Thank the Heavens I live in Norway, where we have an excessive amount of holidays, because I had the chance to stay indoors all day, trying to sleep the headache away and finally managing to start painting the horrible dark brown 1970s-cupboard in my living room white.
Ran out of paint, though.
Yeah. Half-dead, looking like a roadkill, feeling like a gremlin on the inside --- and quite hoonestly looking pretty much like one on the outside as well.
I've managed to drag my ass off to work this week, have been working on remodelling the house, doing all the usual chores and stuff that needs to be done and I
Thank the Heavens I live in Norway, where we have an excessive amount of holidays, because I had the chance to stay indoors all day, trying to sleep the headache away and finally managing to start painting the horrible dark brown 1970s-cupboard in my living room white.
Ran out of paint, though.
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
How to make your own blackboard in just ten minutes
Good morning everyone!
Finally the sun is back in south Norway!
Here's a quick tutorial of how to make your own recipe blackboard (or notes/grocery list/ phone list - or whatever you wish to remember!)
You need:
- An old frame
- Smooth surface for the blackboard (I used the bottom of an old crate)
- Hammer, nails, saw, brushes, black paint (I used dark purple)
How I made my own recipe board in just five minutes:
- Get all you stuff ready. Cut the board to fit the frame (remember to add a little on the edges so you can fasten it securely)
- Paint the back of the blackboard in a dark color. Use the hammer and nail the back of the board to the frame, being careful you use small enough nails so they won't damage the vintage frame you've chosen!
- Hang your new blackboard on your wall.
Aaaaand... You're done! Can it get any easier? Now all you have to do is sit back and relax.
Or make muffins ;)
country style,
shabby chic,
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Hello everyone!
I have spent the last couple of weeks pondering how I can make my greenqueen blog bigger, better and more fun.
The answer was quite obvious (but not at four o'clock in the morning!) - - - -LET'S DO IT THE AMERICAN WAY!
No, I'm not talking about adding fries to go with it. Or serve it with Coke.
Obvious, isn't it? Yehaw, English is the new Latin :)
Look out for new blog post coming up soon: how to make a country life styled blackboard for those favorite recipes of yours!
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Hvordan mekke tysk visemusikkhylle av en gammel kasse, litt papir og en drill?
En morgen jeg kjedet meg litt, bestemte jeg meg for å gjøre noe kreativt før jeg stakk ut på sykkeltur. Siden jeg trengte en ny bokhylle, tenkte jeg "Jaha - da får jeg bare lage en da!"
Og hvordan gjør man så det? Jo, man finner....
... en ekstra planke, en drill og noen skruer....
... en stykk ufattelig skitten trekasse fra kjelleren....
.... en fin, gul bøtte, tykke sokker, en kopp kakao, et gammelt tysk notehefte med gammel lirekassemusikk, litt lim....
... en trøtt assistent, litt skrubbing, skruing og liming - - - og en stund senere:
VOILA! Ett stykk bokhylle to go. Nå mangler bare bøkene ;)
Og hvordan gjør man så det? Jo, man finner....
... en ekstra planke, en drill og noen skruer....
... en stykk ufattelig skitten trekasse fra kjelleren....
.... en fin, gul bøtte, tykke sokker, en kopp kakao, et gammelt tysk notehefte med gammel lirekassemusikk, litt lim....
... en trøtt assistent, litt skrubbing, skruing og liming - - - og en stund senere:
VOILA! Ett stykk bokhylle to go. Nå mangler bare bøkene ;)
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
...ting å finne på når man skriver på
er for eksempel å dra på skattejakt i kjelleren og finne dette:
en hel haug med finfint skrammel, og av slikt skrammel kan man gjøre følgende:
1. Vaske skuffene til den gamle verktøyskommoden og...
lage kjøkkenhyller av dem!
...eller man kan skrubbe den krønsja dropsbøtta og lage en....
überkul kurv til strikketøyet!
er for eksempel å dra på skattejakt i kjelleren og finne dette:
en hel haug med finfint skrammel, og av slikt skrammel kan man gjøre følgende:
1. Vaske skuffene til den gamle verktøyskommoden og...
lage kjøkkenhyller av dem!
...eller man kan skrubbe den krønsja dropsbøtta og lage en....
überkul kurv til strikketøyet!
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Friday, April 15, 2011
...ting å finne på når det
bortsett fra å løpe i tåka da, noe jeg forøvrig også har gjort, men hvis man ikke føler løpegleden rive og slite i leggene, kan man alltids
lage et fruktfat
av en gammel LP-plate fra Fretex (forøvrig velvillig donert av min kjære storesøster Janne)
Oh! og så trenger man en stekeovn da, og som vi alle vet har undertegnedes tær hatt en svært god kontakt med sin. Ouch.
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
Friday, April 08, 2011
...så sitter jeg her altså(vel, ikke på bildet, for bildet er hentet annetstedsfra, men her), på prærien, og her har jeg vært i noen uker, som etter hvert har blitt til noen måneder, uten annen underholdning enn morfars gamle verktøy, mormors gamle kjoler og en kjeller full av skrot. Om det skulle ha seg slik at en eller annen tilfeldig forbipasserende hadde gått forbi (noe som forøvrig sjelden skjer, siden de fleste her kjører bil - eller truck, som det heter her i traktene), stanset opp og kastet et blikk på det hvite huset på jordet og lurt:
"Hva driver egentlig en enslig ung dame som henner her - hun som lengter etter tyske storbygatebrostein og trikkelyder om natten - langt ute i det ville vesten med lite annet enn en katt og en tyvlånt sykkel og seg selv?"
så kunne man med vitende mine nikke alvorlig og hastig skrive en internettadresse på et lite stykke papir - en handlelapp fra Coop Prix, for eksempel - og gitt til vedkommende med et høflig nikk og to fingre til hattebremmen etterfulgt av en kort, men treffende avskjedsmelding:
"Fiksfakserier, så klart."
1. From French, from Portuguese barroco a rough or imperfectly shaped pearl.
2. Forceful, restless, unitary in its impact, breaking out beyond its formal limits. It invites emotional response rather than intellectual contemplation.
Its multimedia forms are monumental, exuberant, unstable, theatrical, and metamorphic.
Its psychology is self-aware, mystical, manipulative, melodramatic, and playful.
Its subjects range from the abject to the sublime, from caricatures to idealized portraits, from sexualized ecstasies to bloody dismemberings.
Antonyms: plain, unadorned, undecorated.
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