(Photo: Arne Iversen/NTB scanpix)
This morning I read an article in the Norwegian paper DN (Dagens Næringsliv).
It speaks of the current situation we are facing: The methods and ways we are currently feeding ourselves (mainly with INSANE AMOUNTS of meat) are quickly pushing us over the edge and into the abyss. Which abyss, you might ask?
Well, you know the cure-all-failsafe-device called Antibiotics that we all too often use as a quick band-aid to patch us up with? It's quickly turning into becoming absolutely non-efficient.
which means... You could die from a small scratch. Or any other mild bacterial infection.
This is not the point. The point is:
Two thirds of the 300.000 - 500.000 tons of antibiotics (READ THAT AGAIN)
Two thirds of the 300.000 - 500.000 tons of antibiotics we use anually are being fed to animals and chickens to avoid that the way we breed them kills them. In other words: The way we treat and breed our food is totally inefficient. It leads to diseases and damages our food (i.e. animals) and because of this, we have to treat the symptoms by pouring TONS AND TONS of antibiotics into their food.
This has to stop.
And it stops with me.
I've got a new challenge going. I'd love for you to join me.
I'm done with this industry. I'm done eating meat stuffed full of antibiotics, bred in cages and stripped from animals grown unnaturally into a life of pain. I'm done eating chickens. Until I either a) breed and eat my own or b) eat someone else's sustainably "grown" meat, I'm done.
No more industrialized meat or poultry.
Join the challenge and drop me a comment below :)
HI, its me Zyna:)Ellen. Its a yes for me. I´m done with all that too, including dairy products. F*@k it all, I have prepared my ego for public ridicule. When you make a life choice as bravely non conformist as this, people find it unsettling and judge you for it. But I would like to say that this life style is Not one of restriction, it is one of freedom. My food and health choices are not dictated to me by business and commerce, who's sole interest is in the profits that can be made off me, not in my wellbeing. Yay Margaretha!
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