My sister and I took a very long walk the other day, and what came out of it was not just autumn leaves and crisp air. My sister is sometimes a little, wonderful sage with insights so true and profound she blows my mind away.
Where we grew up, we learned a system of complimenting other girls and women that in truth are not compliments at all. We define ourselves and others through an inverted movement of interaction where our compliments more often than not, are masked judgments - of ourselves and our own bodies. They are veils of uncertainty and hopelessness. They are poisonous critique rather than a genuine acknowledgment of the woman we are complimenting.
"Those pants look so good on you. I could never fit into that size!"
"Wow, I wish I had the discipline to be as good as you when it comes to workout/healty eating/whatever is actually beneficial to you and your body"
"I don't understand how you can eat that much chocolate and still be so skinny"
"I wish I was as lucky as you"
"You're so healthy, you've good nothing to complain about... Look at me!"
These are not compliments.
They are cleverly disguised admonissions, putting ourselves - and the recipient - down. They are disrespectful not just towards our own body, but towards the person we are talking to.
So what do we really say when we make statements lik "Wow, you're really good, I could never be like that" or "It's easy for you to say, you're just born slim/healthy/good looking"? We solidify our own patterns of self judment. We state our own defeat. We share our lack of self-care, self-respect, and ultimately - what we do when we see the greatness in someone else and try to express what we see - we do not acknowledge THEIR greatness, but we attach our own littleness to it, weigh it down, and make ourselves "not that".
What we present as praise is nothing other than insecurity and jealousy. It has nothing to do with compliments.
This is not OK.
It makes us liars.
We twist our words into becoming what they are not. We become glossy politicians speaking with forked tongues, playing games of untruth and deception. Receiving a "compliment" like this is equally as disheartening and negative. It is nearly impossible to receive praise gracefully when the words that are presented to us as "kindness" in actuality cover up its nasty opposite.
We learn from each other, and we pass it on to others. We become our own spiteful silver-tongued assassins.
Every day I wake up and silently commit to myself and the world to live and speak from what I know is the highest truth of myself. I vow to share who I am with as much love, kindness and respect as I can muster. Respect towards others and respect towards myself.
The first step in destroying the ugly, nasty dragon of fake compliments is recognizing its existence in ourselves and others. The second one is cutting its head off when it appears.
Happy hunting, ladies.
Love, M.
Restructuring the future. Passion, truth and honesty. We are all vintage in this world.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Fake compliments

Friday, May 23, 2014
So, the GOING GREEN challenge is coming along wonderfully! I'm feeling full of energy, even though I'm fighting a cold and "everyone" seems to be coming down with something. Also I actually feel pretty darn good knowing that I haven't eaten any minced up factory animals the last week either.
Anyhow, I came across this WONDERFUL amazing blog and I can't rave enough about it, so I'll just send you over there straight away: GO CHECK OUT
So, the ACTUAL thing I was going to share with you today, is this amazing idea I found through's site: OPERATION BEAUTIFUL, and
And I'm starting this operation right here right now. Join me :)
Anyhow, I came across this WONDERFUL amazing blog and I can't rave enough about it, so I'll just send you over there straight away: GO CHECK OUT
Angela Liddon: Food genius
So, the ACTUAL thing I was going to share with you today, is this amazing idea I found through's site: OPERATION BEAUTIFUL, and
And I'm starting this operation right here right now. Join me :)

Monday, May 19, 2014
(Photo: Arne Iversen/NTB scanpix)
This morning I read an article in the Norwegian paper DN (Dagens Næringsliv).
It speaks of the current situation we are facing: The methods and ways we are currently feeding ourselves (mainly with INSANE AMOUNTS of meat) are quickly pushing us over the edge and into the abyss. Which abyss, you might ask?
Well, you know the cure-all-failsafe-device called Antibiotics that we all too often use as a quick band-aid to patch us up with? It's quickly turning into becoming absolutely non-efficient.
which means... You could die from a small scratch. Or any other mild bacterial infection.
This is not the point. The point is:
Two thirds of the 300.000 - 500.000 tons of antibiotics (READ THAT AGAIN)
Two thirds of the 300.000 - 500.000 tons of antibiotics we use anually are being fed to animals and chickens to avoid that the way we breed them kills them. In other words: The way we treat and breed our food is totally inefficient. It leads to diseases and damages our food (i.e. animals) and because of this, we have to treat the symptoms by pouring TONS AND TONS of antibiotics into their food.
This has to stop.
And it stops with me.
I've got a new challenge going. I'd love for you to join me.
I'm done with this industry. I'm done eating meat stuffed full of antibiotics, bred in cages and stripped from animals grown unnaturally into a life of pain. I'm done eating chickens. Until I either a) breed and eat my own or b) eat someone else's sustainably "grown" meat, I'm done.
No more industrialized meat or poultry.
Join the challenge and drop me a comment below :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Greenqueen and the elephant
Your very own Greenqueen got her first article published in the amazing Elephant Journal! Hoorraaaayyy!
Go check it out here:
From Weight Loss to Weightless
Go check it out here:
From Weight Loss to Weightless

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